When I open my eyes this morning, I still can't belive I'm home.
The trip in Austria was so unbelievable that it's just like a dream!
For my poor memory, I decided to write down somthing before I forget them. 

"Maybe it's becuase of my clothes?!" I spoke to myself.
I don't know why, everyone I met today all treated me as a child!!
Well...though there are many benefits of being a child.
When you ordered two glasses of water and the attendent said to you:
you may suddenly want to give him a kick!!!

The trip from Taiwan to Austria can be discribed in two words:long and lonely.
There were at least 3 times that I thought I was going to die in the chair.
To my relief, I finally touched the land after 16 hours trip.
"you must be Tsai!araen't you??"said a man looks like a mini Santa.
"Emm...yse, and you are......"
"Henz! your first  week papa in this camp!
ohh~you must be every tired. but you must try some Austrian food over there.
we have to wait for another 2 students for abouut 3 hours...
but we can have some drink while waiting~~"
so that's the reason why I have 1 drink every 1 hour...

I still remember the day I left Taiwan.
My parents were so worried about me that it seemed like I was going to marry to an alien!!
"The people here are all the same , right??long faces and white skin~Haha~"papa Henz whispered to me.
for waiting, time seems being slower every second.
Finally, we have the first student :
"HI!!nice to meet you!!!I'm Danious,from $#@&%, the same as Lithuania in English.I'm 18 years old now.and I have never been here before.You look like a doctor ,aren't you??NO??that's OK,I don't like doctors at all!
but I believe we can have a good time for 2  weeks together!ohh...I mean... 1 week together ,actually~~"
He said all these wdors in 30 second and without noticing me... .
after his great speech, he finally found  out there is a gril staning embarassly next to the person he is talking to.
"ohh~Hello~~little Chinese gril~~~what's your name??"
At that time, the only thing I can do is speaking to myself: there  still are lots of benes of being a "little Chinese gril......".
The last one is a pretty gril named Natasa, and I know nothong about her country.(I have never heard of the name of it  at all !!)

after 2 hours later, we get all the students and arrived the place we live:A BIG CHURCH.
well...it's not so horrible to live in a sight seeing spot, but pretty great!!!
I still can't believe we live in that wonderful building for a whole week!!
Thanks god ,I'm not dreaming that time~~

At that night, I made a wish before I went to sleep:
"No matter what happens, just enjoy  everything here!!
no matter what...
it just a dream......"

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