Except for my dear camera and my dear dear computer, everything here was fine.
Actually, was GREAT!!
Today we had all the students together.And I think it's time to introduce them~~

Besides Danious(his name is too long~let's just call him DN),Natasa, and me, there were 16 people.
but now we had only15 people here.
We had Nora, a gril who always searches for toilet....XD
 Ceykan, the funniest gril I have ever seen.
Sea,a Taiwanese gril who always says yes.(just as crazy as Ceykan! )
And Aude,a 16- year-old French soul in a 13-year-old body.
fortunately, we have only 4 boys in this camp.(or you can say 4 boys are too much...HA!)
And one of them was the smallest student in this camp:Donald from Hungary.(從飢餓國來的甜甜圈XD)

For me, remembering others names is the most difficult thing in the world.(especially when they speak only German...)
Before I came to Austria, I know nothing but how to say "A,B.C.D" in German.(it sounds like 阿伯喫茶 in Taiwanese......)
Sometimes I even can't understand what kind of language they are speaking...
From their mouthes, English and Italien are just the same.==
To my surprise,I found out that my name is totally a German name~
Thay even have a song for it !!(OK~I can sing you some day...maybe...XD)

Today we went to an artist workshop to see how he works.
For me,he's just the kind of person who will be an artist: easy going,ling hair,and sencetive.
Well...it's a little bit boring to see an artist small place a whole morning.
but the thing I didn't know is that it was just the begining...

At midnight, we finally had our last person : BABARRA,a "huge" gril who wants to study medicine.
For welcoming her, we made a small wave and a slogan .
Even now, I can still remember the sky at that night :
nothing but stars.
At that time, we all determinded to see stars together some day.(and we surely did!!)

Talking to others  and meeting the artists here made me think of many things.
When our papa asked about our future plan, they all seemed so ditermined,and had much confidence in themselves. 
Can I ?Can I do as well as them?
Even just looks like, I'm afraid I can't do that well.
The most impressive anser I heard was from DN.
He said:"I'm not sure~I'm only 18! There are many possibilities in my life! Isn't it?? "
Yeah~I agree.
How can I limit myself to do something only??
Though I'm only 16, I can not only study,but dream-----at the same time!
And one thing for certain is that :
If I can do that, then I'm not only a 16 gril,but a gril with dreams and possibitities as well.             

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