I was lost ...in a huge castle...
I was tired , but someone was chasing after me.
I didn't know why, the people dacing around me looked so cold,and none of them was my friend...
was a dream of mine this afternoon.
A really bad,bad,bad... dream.

In Austria, I was thinking all the time.
thinking history of Austria, art of Austria, 
he most important thing : the people in Austria.

It's no doubt that there are many differences between Taiwan and Austria.
But when I saw a piano repairer played the piano sooooo well,I  not only felt sorry for myself,but respected to him.
Besides differences, there were still some commonages.
We don't like long, boring speech, unnatural speaking,or little time for sleeping.XD
And, the most international things in the world can be only these things :
Avril(艾薇兒),M(麥當勞),and......"aerial babies"(天線寶寶...)!!XD
There were also some funny things happened when everytime we took a photo :
"cheese!": )
"No~It's Jesus!!":D
"NO~~It's Sex!!!"XD
==a then you can tell how many countries we have here......
sorry for the photos on pixnet~my camera has only few good photos~~><
Ceykan:(after seeing my photos)"WOW!!you have the finest flash in the world!!!XDD"

Most of the time when I was in Austria I didn't feel any racial discrimination at all.
Yes,most of the time.
But what can I say??
Do we have no racial discrimination at all?? I'm not sure.
Even in our shoolboook in a issue of racial,there is a obvious discrimination itself.
In the whole article, there wasn't a name of the Seattle president, but mentioned the director's name about 3 times.
And, they just called the Indian as"red people".Isn't that a kind of racial discrimination?
I think you can tell that yourself.

Today we went to a Japanese restaurant.
Though it was"Japanese",Seaand I found out the food there was all Chinese food!(Because the cooks there were all from China~XD)
Maybe it was because the clerks were soooo friendly,or because I didn't have my breakfast this morning,I ate a lot!
Why I didn't eat breakfast??
Ohh~actually there are 5 people didn't eat anything because of Natasa---the pretty,but slow princess castle.
She needs 8 hours sleep a day.And she needs everyone in the room waiting for her.And, she needs to talk to her boyfreind till midnight before going to bed....
In fact,she needs everything.
Finally,we had a trouble today.
This morning she was so slow that we all missed the breakfast!
And the only thing she said was that : "how do you think of my hair?? "
(OS:It's the finest hair I have never seen...and... I don't want to see it any more...) 

Well...at that moment,
I could only think of one thing :
wake her up at 6:00 tomorrow!!!

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