It's not about R&B,nor H&M
but----------B&G : boys and grils!!!

Well...I'm sure the most impressive thing I saw in Austria must be the boys and grils here.
It was only the forth day of the camp, someone was hugging already.(有點像真實版的戀愛巴士...)
From our(DN,Sea,Nora,Ceykan,Aude,and I)point of views, it's not a normal thing at all.
"They just like big children now~" I thought about this while I saw 甜甜圈 hugging Ales.
"He is just 15 now!!!and, and, and .... she is already 21 !!!"Aude talked to me in a very low voice.

Um......I think have a boy/grilfriend is OK.
but,take this kind of thing more seriously is better.(But I saw 甜甜圈hugging another gril two days ago...==)
I don't know if I'm wrong.
It seems that Chinese have more rules for the children.
And, of course, we have heavier study than them... much heavier.
And,of course again,we are not as "open" as them.
Maybe it's becaus of the culture difference?!
Um...maybe it is.
Or why all the grils here wear bikini??---------except for me and Sae(except for the grils from TaiwanXD)
Even the 8-year-old gril next to us wore bikini!!!

One thing for certain is that I looks much younger than I am.(HA~)
It's not a important thing when you are with the old people.
But!but,but......It will be a serious thing when you are in a international camp----like me.
The people in Europe look so mature that it  seems  they are hiding their real age!!!XD
even the 甜甜圈(the youngest one in the camp) looks older than me~~
but not all the boys here act like 甜甜圈.
At least DN is not.
He alwasys does everything with grils.(I'm doubting that he is a gay!!!)
well... that's not a bad thing for us.
he is really a funny guy.
I can say that it's really good to have him with us.
For me,He is just the kind of person who will only appear in novels!

Yesterday we went to another town for shopping.
Actually...we went to a very,very small town for eating ice-cream.==a
Becuas the shops in the  town close sooooooooo early that we could only buy one thing:ice-cream.
Then the most unbelivevable thing happened : 甜甜圈 walked to us----------with two grils on his each side!!!
I can tell that he didn't  want to meet us at all.
It's really an embarrased time for him to say hello to us!(I still can remember his face.)
甜甜圈:"Hi...Bye"(he didn't want to continue the conversation at all, and want to stop it at once...)
        Hey~~grils!Forgive him, he is my goooood brother,but            he             just                HAS                   NO                 BRAIN             !!!"
XDDDDDDDall the others are laughing~(and the two grils laughs the loudest!)
Um....I think he will have a tough night today...
Becuas he share the same room with 甜甜圈!XD

Today,when we had our dinner :
(When the meal came.)
甜甜圈:"You can have it first."then he push the dish in front of Ilmi, a gril has a special voice when she is laughing or saying the word "NICE".
Ilmi:"Ohh, you are really NICE~"(^^she is really a NICE gril~)
甜甜圈:"Yes, of course,I am a gentleman!"(@#$%^&*...everybody is getting sick.)
(when the last dish came, 甜甜圈push it to DN's front.)
DN:"ohh~OK~~you are soooooooo NICE~~~(acting like Ilmi~)
But I.......I just forget you are a gentleman!"
 I nearly died of laughing.XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

I think it will be a very interesting thing to see if DN is alive tomorrow!XD
Ohh, By the way, They said we are going to cook for the papas next week!!
HA!but I can't cook at all!!(so do others...)
Maybe, the papas have to be careful after having the meal...or they probably will be the same as DN!!XD




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